Monmouth Blogs

Bringing patient insight into medicines optimisation - Monmouth Partners

Written by Monmouth Team | Jun 25, 2017 4:13:13 PM

What kind of information would help patients be better at taking their medicines?


NHS England’s (NHSE) Medicines Optimisation Dashboard collates a wide range of performance data aimed at commissioners and clinicians. Is any of the data contained in the dashboard of interest and relevance to patients? What kind of information would help patients be better at taking their medicines? And what patient experience data is already collected about medicines?

NHSE needed answers to these questions before it made a significant investment into re-developing its online tool. While focusing on patients and their experiences can improve outcomes and adherence to medicines, what is the right information and platform to support this goal? Determining this required engagement with patients and understanding a diverse range of health care professionals (HCPs).


What we did

Over three months, Monmouth carried out a comprehensive evaluation of NHSE’s MO Dashboard. Our approach consisted of 27 in-depth patient and other stakeholder interviews, a patient and carer survey and a workshop to test assumptions and models. This was held with participants drawn from Monmouth’s patient database, carers and HCPs. Alongside this, we ran an evaluation of the existing Dashboard and collated existing patient experience metrics for medicines in England.

The output set out five key development priorities for NHS England’s Medicines Optimisation Intelligence Group. A full report will be published on the NHS Gateway.

Bruce Warner, Deputy Chief Pharmaceutical Lead at NHS England, said:

“We were very impressed by the level of detail included in the final report, and found the specific recommendations relevant and useful. The report was very comprehensive and gave very clear recommendations.”